Saturday, January 17, 2009

Decision time for Oregon

It's that time of year when gill net proponents and recreational fisher people butt heads in a classic game of tug-o-war. Personally, I believe our harvest rates for salmon are larger than consumption demand, however, we seem to justify these harvests to sustain a historically important industry or lifestyle. While I am empathetic to those employed in commercial fisheries, I find myself coming to the realization that population growth and an incessant need to contribute to an inflationary economic model do not offer a sustainable (sorry, buzzword had to be used here) solution. It is clear that hatchery science has not solved fish population deficiencies, legislation proves counterproductive at best, and our growing list of conservation groups and agendas seem to dilute each others efforts.

Unfortunately, I do not have a clear answer. It is apparent to me that none of us really have that smoking gun we are bleeding for in this mess as well. So regardless of Oregon's decision to ally itself with WA on this matter we will most likely continue to see this debate years forward.

Do I seem to be confused on this issue? I am. While I hope we can all find concessions that are livable, I know that I might be drinking the Kool-Aid in thinking so.

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