Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Spice Trade

If any of the conspiracy theorists are correct, the monetary system as we know it is steamrolling towards a designed collapse. Somehow, a portion of me has become sympathetic to this ideology. As news media sensationalizes outrage over AIG bonuses, we the people continue on day to day, considering the status of our employment, our families well being, etc. We look at cutting luxuries and removing unnecessary expenses. Establishing a budget, something we used to consider unnecessary, is now mandatory. Considering a dollar worthless - now that's scary.

In Columbus' time gold and silver were dreams of grandeur - romantic thoughts that were rarely realized but often sought. True trade was performed with spices, like salt and pepper, items today of little worth, but perhaps we should not look past these luxuries just yet.

Let's consider if a world financial collapse occurs, bringing chaos and martial law. Trade with foreign countries could halt, and staples of sustenance like rice, wheat, and corn may see scarcity known now only to third world countries. Our ability to tend to a crop and harvest animals to survive may actually become paramount. Now, all of a sudden, a hunter is looked at differently by the majority of society. A fisherman is no longer a sportsman, but a skilled provider of nutrition for the family.

If I have a point here, it is for us to realize that our recreational desires outdoors have real world application, especially if the s$%t hits the fan. We may become the ones looked to for guidance and direction, rather than being dictated guidance and direction from government. Left with such uncertainty, salt and pepper may become the luxury we seek, and the fish and game on the table a treat to be savored.

1 comment:

Conrad Gowell said...

Hey boys! I need my steelhead fix; show me some pictures of those Nunya feeeeeesh